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List of Best Weirdest Websites on the Internet in 2021

Here’s a list of the top weirdest websites on the internet in 2021, some of which are useful (conditions apply). User discretion is advisable. Just go through the list one by one.

List of Best Weirdest Websites on the Internet in 20211.) wwwwwwwww.jodi.org2.) Zombo.com3.) CatBounce4.) Quick Draw5.) You Should Have Seen This6.) Cross Divisions7.) Koalastothemax8.) Vaguely Rude Places9.) Internet Live Stats10.) The Useless WebClosing Words


Yes, that’s the URL of this website which appears like communication from alien species but is it? Visit the website and you will see art projects that appear extraterrestrial or something out of a Matrix movie appearing as someone is hacking your computer. So shot, you can turn on this visit to act as if you are hacking someone’s computer. Website


Need some motivation in the morning? isn’t a website for you because it is a bit weird. However, visit it. You will find a robotic voice-over welcoming you on the website, motivating you “today” to do anything and everything on The only catch is, you can’t do anything on the site, there’s just a logo, a swirling pack of circles circling around and that’s pretty much all. Website

3.) CatBounce

It is a parade to find the weirdest website of all. I stumbled upon CatBounce. The website is full of cats bouncing on the screen. It turns out you can even “Make it Rain,” and don’t worry. No harm was harmed during testing the website, so chill. Website

4.) Quick Draw

Got some mad drawing skills? Quick Draw gives you 20 seconds to draw things it lists out. You can erase and redraw, but all within 20 seconds. And that’s pretty much all this website can do. Website

5.) You Should Have Seen This

Did you ever have a bucket list of things you wanted to watch? Lucky for you if you haven’t created a list yet because Greg Rutter has created it for you, yes, it is hilarious like Tom Cruise Killing Oprah, or Charlie Bit Me, so on. The website lists 99 things and that’s pretty much all. Website

6.) Cross Divisions

Want to feel dizzy or hypnotic for some reason? Cross Divisions is a website full of weird tunneling gradients. Tap once, it will change its colors. Perhaps you can use the website as a screensaver when away from the computer, but that’s pretty all you can do with it.  Website

7.) Koalastothemax

At first glance, there’s a giant dot on the screen but as soon as you mouse the cursor on it, it divides into 4 and now whenever you move the cursor on individual circles, it divides into four tiny circles. But there’s a cap on how far you can divide. So that’s pretty much all that the website can do. Website

8.) Vaguely Rude Places

This is a website dedicated to vague names of places across the globe. This includes a palace called Bum and yes, Europe takes away the credit for the vaguest names followed by the USA. Although a geographical pun in itself, I would say it is a strange website as it doesn’t serve any other purpose, so yeah, that is why it has been made into this list. Website

9.) Internet Live Stats

If you enjoy numbers growing on any platform like Google Searches or emails sent, Internet Live Stats is a place for you. Simply open the website and you will see a wide range of stats updating itself every microsecond. This includes active users on Pinterest, smartphones, computers sold, websites hacked, videos watched on YouTube, and stuff. This isn’t a completely useless website though but this is probably the stuff you might have never seen around. Website

10.) The Useless Web

Assumably the best weird & strange website on this list is “The Useless Web.” So instead of following a list of weird websites, why not use this website to teleport you to a useless website. Simply click on “Please” and every time you do so, it takes you to a useless website out there. However, it doesn’t get tiring, so you can go over the website, tap on the button, visit thousands of websites unless you have something better to do. Website

Closing Words

And with that, we close our list of the top weirdest websites on the internet in 2021. But, of course, there are a dozen more, some of the websites are no longer available. So it all sums out to this, the internet is a weird web of websites apart from the usual websites you visit or know of and it is ever-expanding, just like our universe.

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