Narendra Modi’s Website Twitter Account Hacked!

While Indians are digesting the ban of PUBG and other Chinese apps since yesterday, they’ve got one more interesting topic to talk about. Earlier today, the website Twitter account of Narendra Modi’s, “narendra_modi” has been hacked a group to post a series of tweets for their fake earnings campaign.

— Karthik_SSR (@r_karthi8) September 3, 2020 Going by the name John Wick, the group has posted tweets asking the community to donate cryptocurrency to an address, as support to PM’s Relief Fund. This happens after several popular Twitter accounts like Barack Obama, Kanye West etc were breached in July, posting similar tweets to lure money. And now, the unidentified hackers have performed a similar attack. While there are no reports whether anyone has donated or not, Twitter acknowledged the incident and acted immediately. It removed the malicious tweets and restored the account. Hindustan Times reported that hackers had a different intention though. An email response from them revealed that they wanted to clear the name in their previous allegation, where a cybersecurity firm named Cyble reported that John Wick hacking group is behind the PayTM Mall hack. Thus, they also posted a tweet from the Modi’s hacked account to clarify as, “Yes, this account is hacked by John Wick ([email protected]), We have not hacked Paytm Mall.” They also told they had no intentions of hacking the Prime Minister’s account.

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