PUBG Mobile has made enough news in the past two years. It’s so popular that, it has overgrown Call of Duty and Fortinite in most of the countries, which are the best and most played games since long. While launching it on mobile-first gave the game a big push initially, developing it periodically with the community’s best interests helped it to stay at the top of its industry. Ever since it’s been deployed, many fans have criticized it for copying some of the features of other peer Battle Royale games. And here it is, PUBG’s new version is said to be having “Domination Mode“, where it’s alleged to be copied from Call of Duty!

The Beta Hint

Wynnsanity, A YouTuber, who has beta access to the game PUBG has streamed his gameplay of this new version. The latest version (0.16.5) shall have these new adding to EvoGrounds Mode.

Introduction of Arena Training, allowing the players of Team Deathmatch to quickly spawn and select desired weapons from the bunch and kill others. The Deathmatch thing will now have a loadout which can be set before beginning the match. Changing the name of Team Deathmatch in Ruins Map to Assault. Introduction of Domination Mode! This is the peculiar feature to be talked about, where the game’s seen procuring the feature of CoD. Here, you and your squad have to stay in a specified area for enough time to attain dominance! This will be described by a progress bar at the top and there will be three areas of such to capture. The team that dominates at least two areas, wins! Further, the cap on a number of spawns and kills shall be removed in this new version.

His 20-minute video shows the gameplay of the new Town map, where passes travel throughout the town with his team and hit victory. Other rumours include introducing drones! Yet, we can’t expect anything until an official confirmation comes from the company.

PUBG s New Version May Have Domination Mode  Just Like Call Of Duty - 83PUBG s New Version May Have Domination Mode  Just Like Call Of Duty - 62