In its latest pursuit, Telegram introduced group video calls for upto 1,000 people! Further, there’s no cap on voice chats, video playback speed, video messages, screen sharing, auto-deletion of messages, etc. Here’s all about them;

Telegram New Features

Who would’ve thought an instant messenger would pack the features of video conferencing, texting, photo editing, etc. But Telegram is on a roll with all these features, as it released today. Starting with the group video calls 2.0, Telegram doesn’t make it simple like WhatsApp but wanted users to form a group to start a voice chat, and then add the rest of the members to it. The company said it will now support over 1,000 viewers in video chat and unlimited audio-only listeners. Next up is the video messages, where users can send quick videos of themselves or the surroundings with audio included and without saving them into the device’s gallery. Well, then can be downloaded if wanted and shared with others too. Tapping on the video message will pause/play it and can be rewinded with a scroll bar. Also, you can pinch the screen while recording and have more details covered clearly. You can see this option on the chat bar, where tapping on the voice tab will switch to the video tab. Any received videos can now be played with the desired playback speed of 0.5, 1.5, or 2X while viewing it. Also, like the emojis and stickers, Telegram brought slight animations to the text messages too. And there’s timestamp recording and sending just like you do in YouTube videos. Select a timestamp on a specific video, and share it with your contacts to have them watch the content from then directly. Further, there’s screen sharing brought in, which is included in the video chats 2.0. Users can now share screens with others, including the audio on 1-on-1 video calls and group video calls. Finally, there’s well-suited editing set for tweaking your photos before sending and auto-deleting messages ranging from 1 month to 1 day or even 1 week.

Telegram Will Let 1 000 Viewers in a Video Call  Share Screen and More - 83