The current refreshing audio is boring, sounding like a simple smooch. Such a new one like windup trilling when pulled down and quick chirp when let go is refreshing. It’s been spotted in the Twitter iOS client for a few and may roll out to everyone soon.

Aligning With Twitter’s Idea

Most news regarding Twitter in the last couple of months is happening just around its acquisition – via Elon Musk, who’s been running the whole drama. But, we’ve seen some interesting features like closed captions, a new reporting scheme, edit button testing, etc., done too. Now, adding to these, Twitter is testing new audio while refreshing the home feed on its iOS app. It’s the combination of a windup trill pulled down, followed by a chirp when let go. This sounded so refreshing than what we’re having now – a general smooch sound.

— Jay Peters (@jaypeters) July 15, 2022 Also, the new audio is more suiting to Twitter’s idea of a chirping bird. All these compliments made me turn on the volume, though I usually hate sounds so I keep the device muted all the time. Even though this isn’t a big change that Twitter can talk about, it’s somehow needed. It’s rolling out to some individuals running Twitter for iOS and may roll out to the Android and web apps, too, sooner or later. I hope Twitter adds more sounds like these and let the user set one as his favorite – making it interesting to refresh the feed more often.

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